Troubleshooting multi-machine installations of NAV 2009

Today I found a really good and interesting blog about general troubleshooting of multi-machine scenarios in NAV 2009. Most of the blog is checking SPN settings, delegations settings and different problems with those.

The NAV 2009 documentation walkthroughs provide step-by-step instructions for installing NAV 2009 on 2 or 3 machines. However, we have found that some of the same configuration issues come up time after time after installation.
When on calls with partners and customers, it seemed to me that this information was spread out all over the place, so I wanted to organize it in a different way for troubleshooting purposes so that I would have most everything in one place. Hopefully this will be helpful to others as well.
The intention of this post is to provide a checklist of sorts for troubleshooting some of the areas where we frequently find errors or omissions in configuration after NAV 2009 has been installed.

Find the whale blog here:

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About Peter Wibeck

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