Creating a changelog file in TeamCity

As part of the deployment process it’s good to know what changes is in every build. The first step to accomplish this is to create a changelog file.
To-do that as part of the build process in TeamCity we need to write some custom PowerShell scripts.

Step 1 Create an authorization head that we can use to call the TeamCity REST API. This can be one time off task or be part of the final script.

$acctname = "username";
$password = "password";
$header = @{Authorization = 'Basic ' + [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($acctname):$($password)"));

Step 2 Add an parameter named “ChangelogFile” with the full file path for the new changelog file. For example “%env.TMP%\Changelog.txt”

Step 3 Add a new build PowerShell build step for the build.

Step 4 Add bellow script

$buildId =
$teamCityUrl = "http://fsdfdsfsd:8088"
$header = @{ "Authorization" = "Basic cWc1KT1SZXbbb3c4" }
$buildChangesUrl = $teamCityUrl + "/httpAuth/app/rest/changes?build=id:" + $buildId
$buildChangesResponse = Invoke-WebRequest $buildChangesUrl -Headers $header | select -ExpandProperty Content
$changesList = ([Xml]$buildChangesResponse).GetElementsByTagName("change")
$stream = [System.IO.StreamWriter] "%ChangelogFile%"
Foreach ($buildChange in $changesList)
    $changeUrl = $teamCityUrl  + $buildChange.href
    $changeResponse = Invoke-WebRequest $changeUrl -Headers $header | select -ExpandProperty Content
    $change = ([Xml]$changeResponse).GetElementsByTagName("change")
    $version = $change.version
    $user =$change.username
    $comment = $change.GetElementsByTagName("comment").InnerXml
    $stream.WriteLine("Commit #" +$version + " :: " + $user)
    $stream.WriteLine("Comment:" + $comment)
    $files = $change.GetElementsByTagName("file")
    Foreach ($file in $files)

Step 5 Add this file to the artefact output, nuget package or attach the data to an Octopus Deploy release note for example.

Change vmsize for a azure cloud service in octopus deploy

A common cases when running a test/staging and production environment using Azure Cloud Service is that you don’t want to use the same vmsize for all environments. It can actual be very expensive. To solve this we need to-do some variable substitution in the azure cloud service package. Doing variable substitution on ServiceConfiguration.XXX.cscfg is done by default when using the built in template “Deploy an Azure Cloud Service” but it doesn’t support variable substitution on ServiceDefinition.csde by default where the vmsize is defined. To accomplish this we need to create a pre-deployment PowerShell script.

1. In you process step based on “Deploy an Azure Cloud Service” click on enable features
2. Check mark “Custom deployment scripts” and apply the change
3. You can now add script for pre-deployment, deployment, and post-deployment.
4. The last thing is to add the variable Deploy.WebApiRoleVMSize setting the vmsize you want for different scope or environments.

Add this scrip to the “Pre-deployment” section and replace “NNN” with the name of the webrole.

write-host "Starting Service Definition rewrite" 
$def = "ServiceDefinition\ServiceDefinition.csdef"
$csdeffile = Get-Item $def 
[xml]$csdefcontent = get-content $csdeffile 
#Find the webrole we want in a multi-webrole cloud service. Assume this exists 
$webrole = $csdefcontent.ServiceDefinition.WebRole | where {$ -eq "NNNN"}
##Update the vmsize. Add if not available 
write-host "Using VMSize '" $OctopusParameters['Deploy.WebApiRoleVMSize'] "' for NNNNN"
#Save the changes 
write-host "Service Definition rewrite successful"

Code challenge from

Yesterday I found a code challenge on that I decide to take a look on. We first need to decode the base 64 encoded text to get the actual instructions.

Gör ett program som skriver ut talen i mängden {1, 2, …, 10500} i stigande ordning.
Om talet är jämnt delbart med 3 så ska www. skrivas ut istället för själva talet.
Om talet är jämnt delbart med 5 så ska lantmateriet skrivas ut istället för själva talet.
Om talet är jämnt delbart med 7 så ska .se skrivas ut istället för själva talet.
Om talet är jämnt delbart med 3, 5 och 7 så ska skrivas ut istället för själva talet.
Inga nyradstecken ska skrivas ut, utan allt ska skrivas ut på en och samma rad.
Utskriften inleds enligt nedan:
1 2 www. (och så vidare…)
Inget mellanrum som sista tecken.
MD5-summan av utskriften är 402087a86f4fbd5d01d80baec13fddc5
Men vad är SHA-1-summan?

Anyone that can come up with another or better solution?

public static void Main()
    const int NumberOfIterations = 10500;
    var sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (var i = 1; i <= NumberOfIterations; i++)
        if (i % 3 != 0 && i % 5 != 0 && i % 7 != 0)
            sb.Append(i + " ");
        if (i % 3 == 0 && i % 5 == 0 && i % 7 == 0)
            sb.Append(" ");
        if (i % 3 == 0)
            sb.Append("www. ");
        else if (i % 5 == 0)
            sb.Append("lantmateriet ");
        else if (i % 7 == 0)
            sb.Append(".se ");
    var resultString = sb.ToString().TrimEnd();
    if ("402087a86f4fbd5d01d80baec13fddc5" != GetMD5HashData(resultString, Encoding.UTF8))
        Console.WriteLine("Error missmatch MD5 hash");
    Console.WriteLine("The SHA1 hash is:" + GetSHA1HashData(resultString, Encoding.UTF8));

You can download the complete solution here: LantmaterietKnackkoden

Dear Engineers, your job is not to write code!

I recently found a blog post by Laura Klein that did really speak to me. It simple state that our job is not to produce as much code as possible, we are suppose to add value for the customer. This implies that it’s more important to know the customer and to add metrics that proves that we are actually adding value instead of simple hacking according to specification.

You can read the full blog here.

Get full qualified host name in WIX

In one of our install we need to know the full qualified computer name during installation. For that purpose I did create an custom action with a simple vbscript that simple get the computer name and domain name and create the full qualified string and set property FQDN accordingly.

<CustomAction Id="FindHostDomain" Script="vbscript" Return="check">
  Dim Info
  Set Info = CreateObject("AdSystemInfo")
  Dim InfoNT
  Set InfoNT = CreateObject("WinNTSystemInfo")
  Session.Property("FQDN") = lcase(InfoNT.ComputerName & "." & Info.DomainDNSName)

To execute this script and set FQDN so we can use it in our component’s add this to the install execution sequence.

  <Custom Action="FindHostDomain" Before="CostInitialize" >Not Installed</Custom>

System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path is denied when using System.OI.FileStream

During a recent deployment to production environment we started to get System.UnauthorizedAccessException on places we hade not seen it before. After some debugging a pattern appeared. The problem is that if you don’t use the FileStream constructor with FileAccess parameter you will get FileAccess.ReadWrite selected by default. So in our cases the User account running our service did only have read access to the file with is correct since we are only expecting to read from the file.

using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open))

Make sure, you ask for what you really need. If your application needs only Read access to a file, make sure to specify that in your FileStream constructor.

using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))

HowTo add new key to appsettings with WIX

When adding a new key for appsettings you need to split the action in 3 steps.
1. Create the new empty “add” element
2. Create and set the “key” attribute. The tricky part here is how to add the “key” to new created “add” element from step one. One way is to assume that the new created “add” element is the only element without a “key” attribute
3. Create and set the “value” attribute.

  Sequence="1" />
  Sequence="2" />
  Value="the new value" 
  Sequence="3" />

HowTo to set appsettings during installation using WIX

The point where most people have a hard time is remembering is to escape brackets. This to ensure WIX will not think it a property. If you forget to-do this you may end up in a situation where “config2” value will bet set on “config1” instead. See a correct example bellow

[ should be [\[]
] =should be [\]]

<Component Id='UpdateConfig' Guid='A89D47AF-7DBE-4a8d-9848-F35C78FD95ED' DiskId='1' KeyPath="yes">
  <util:XmlFile Id='config1' 
                Value="[NEWVALUE1]" />
  <util:XmlFile Id='config2' 
                Value="[NEWVALUE2]" />

And the example web.config

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <add key="FirstKey" value="oldvalue"/>
    <add key="SecondKey" value="oldvalue"/>

HowTo update appsettings programmatically

Recently I was writing functional test for an application that read settings from the appsettings element in App.Config. The problem was that the application under test was expecting to react different based on the settings so need a way to alter the values between tests. I ended up writing bellow code for it

private static void SetAppSettings(string key, string value)
   Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
   config.AppSettings.Settings[key].Value = value;

Scrumy on Softpedia

Today I happen to find out that Scrumy have been added to Softpedia’s library of software. It’s nice to see that people are interested in my project and that they have even rated it with 5 stars.

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