Multiple Service Tiers in Dynamics NAV 2009

Freddy have posted an interesting blog about having multiple service tiers.

From the post A very typical scenario with both partners and customers is to have more than one database. This can be because you have a development database and a production database – or it could be the partner having a copy of all customer databases locally for troubleshooting.
You could of course install the Service Tier locally on all computers – and then change the CustomSettings.config to point to a new database every time you need to logon, but that doesn’t really sound like something we want people to do.

The setup we would like to have is:
• One or more SQL Server boxes with a bunch of databases on
• One or more Service Tier boxes with at least one Service Tier pr. database
• The Client installed locally on all machines being able to connect to these Service Tiers.

This post will go into detail about how to accomplish this.

Link to the complete post

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About Peter Wibeck

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