How to determine if we are running on 64 or 32 bit?

In my work I need to be able to pick different files depending on if I run in 64 bit or 32 bit system. The first thing I did try was to use the size of IntPtr which is 4 for 32 bit and 8 for 64 bit. But since I was using the visual studio unit test framework it did not work that god. The unit test framework run in a 32 bit process but the application I’m testing is running in 64 bit, so decided to use P/Invoke to call GetNativeSystemInfo.

The structure that you get is according to

private struct SystemInfoNative
    internal ushort ProcessorArchitecture;
    internal ushort Reserved;
    internal uint PageSize;
    internal IntPtr MinimumApplicationAddress;
    internal IntPtr MaximumApplicationAddress;
    internal IntPtr ActiveProcessorMask;
    internal uint NumberOfProcessors;
    internal uint ProcessorType;
    internal uint AllocationGranularity;
    internal ushort ProcessorLevel;
    internal ushort ProcessorRevision;

Out from this you can check the processor architecture.

And the complete source code

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace SystemInfoTesting
    internal sealed class SystemInfo
        public enum ProcessorArchitecture
            None = -1,
            Intel = 0,
            IA64 = 6,
            AMD64 = 9
        private SystemInfoNative nativeInfo;
        private SystemInfo(SystemInfoNative nativeInfo)
            this.nativeInfo = nativeInfo;
        public ProcessorArchitecture Architecture
                return (ProcessorArchitecture)Enum.Parse(typeof(ProcessorArchitecture),
        public static SystemInfo GetNativeSystemInfo()
            SystemInfoNative native = new SystemInfoNative();
            GetNativeSystemInfo(ref native);
            return new SystemInfo(native);
        private struct SystemInfoNative
            internal ushort ProcessorArchitecture;
            internal ushort Reserved;
            internal uint PageSize;
            internal IntPtr MinimumApplicationAddress;
            internal IntPtr MaximumApplicationAddress;
            internal IntPtr ActiveProcessorMask;
            internal uint NumberOfProcessors;
            internal uint ProcessorType;
            internal uint AllocationGranularity;
            internal ushort ProcessorLevel;
            internal ushort ProcessorRevision;
        private static extern void GetNativeSystemInfo(ref SystemInfoNative lpSystemInfo);
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About Peter Wibeck

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