Creating a changelog file in TeamCity

As part of the deployment process it’s good to know what changes is in every build. The first step to accomplish this is to create a changelog file.
To-do that as part of the build process in TeamCity we need to write some custom PowerShell scripts.

Step 1 Create an authorization head that we can use to call the TeamCity REST API. This can be one time off task or be part of the final script.

$acctname = "username";
$password = "password";
$header = @{Authorization = 'Basic ' + [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($acctname):$($password)"));

Step 2 Add an parameter named “ChangelogFile” with the full file path for the new changelog file. For example “%env.TMP%\Changelog.txt”

Step 3 Add a new build PowerShell build step for the build.

Step 4 Add bellow script

$buildId =
$teamCityUrl = "http://fsdfdsfsd:8088"
$header = @{ "Authorization" = "Basic cWc1KT1SZXbbb3c4" }
$buildChangesUrl = $teamCityUrl + "/httpAuth/app/rest/changes?build=id:" + $buildId
$buildChangesResponse = Invoke-WebRequest $buildChangesUrl -Headers $header | select -ExpandProperty Content
$changesList = ([Xml]$buildChangesResponse).GetElementsByTagName("change")
$stream = [System.IO.StreamWriter] "%ChangelogFile%"
Foreach ($buildChange in $changesList)
    $changeUrl = $teamCityUrl  + $buildChange.href
    $changeResponse = Invoke-WebRequest $changeUrl -Headers $header | select -ExpandProperty Content
    $change = ([Xml]$changeResponse).GetElementsByTagName("change")
    $version = $change.version
    $user =$change.username
    $comment = $change.GetElementsByTagName("comment").InnerXml
    $stream.WriteLine("Commit #" +$version + " :: " + $user)
    $stream.WriteLine("Comment:" + $comment)
    $files = $change.GetElementsByTagName("file")
    Foreach ($file in $files)

Step 5 Add this file to the artefact output, nuget package or attach the data to an Octopus Deploy release note for example.

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About Peter Wibeck

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